Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kouyou 紅葉

Fall colors (Kouyou) are to the Japanese autumn what cherry blossoms (Sakura) are to spring. The viewing of autumn leaves has been a popular activity in Japan for centuries and today draws large numbers of travelers to famous kouyou spots both in the mountains and in the cities. As you can probably tell I am a big fan of autumn and its kouyou, and will be boring you with many shots like these over the next few days. Consider yourselves duly warned. This is another image from within the Kyoto Botanical Garden.


  1. Even the ground is "painted" with autumn leaves. Keep posting autumn leaves shots!!! Why not?

  2. More to come, thanks for the comment!

  3. Wish I were there to enjoy these beautiful shots! Thanks for posting them and yes, keep them coming!
